by MBC Team

Plain yogurt, 2% fat

  • Yogurt is obtained after fermentation of fresh milk.
  • Yogurt dates back thousands of years and originates from Bulgaria.
  • The specific properties of the yoghurt are due to its microflora, which is a combination of the fermentation bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.
  • Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, folic acid and B vitamins.
  • Yogurt contains magnesium, zinc, iron and iodine.
  • Probiotics in yogurt support normal bowel function.
  • The more live bacteria there is in yogurt, the lower its durability and the better its quality.
  • Yogurt contains less lactose than milk and is better tolerated by people with lactose intolerance.