by MBC Team

Raw melons

  • Melons originate from Africa and southwestern parts of Asia.
  • Ancient Egyptians have been cultivated melons more than 4000 years ago.
  • After they become widely spread and popular in Europe, melons were introduced to America by the Spanish settlers during the 15th and 16th century.
  • Melons are closely related to pumpkins and cucumbers.
  • There are numerous varieties of melons that differ in size, color and sweetness of the fruit.
  • Best known varieties of melon are casaba, honeydew, Persian melon and cantaloupe.
  • Melons are rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamins of the B group, and minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron and phosphorus.
  • Melons are a rich source of carotenoids.
  • Melons are made up of mostly water but also contain electrolytes that may hydrate you more effectively than just water alone.
  • Once picked, melons will continue to ripen only for a few days.
  • Keep uncut melons at room temperature for 2-4 days or refrigerate them for up to 10 days.
  • To avoid bacterial contamination wash the melon under cool tap water before eating and use a clean knife for cutting it.
  • Roasted and dried seeds are used as snack in the African and Indian culture.
  • Almost all parts of melon (fruit, seed, leaves and roots) are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • Some people may experience allergies to melons.